After few months of being with your little one at home, it is now time to head back to work. In other circumstances, you want to hire someone to pick your kids from school, help them with their homework and bedtime. Despite the facts, searching for a nanny in most instances is intimidating hence the need to turn to an NYC nanny agency.
Over the recent years, nanny agencies have become popular. A recent survey reveals that hiring a nanny through a nanny agency has augmented retention and reduced the hassles of hiring numerous nannies within a short period.
Why use an agency?
NYC nanny agencies have the capability of finding you the best nanny that matches your needs. Below are some of the benefits of using an agency;
- Expert screening and reference checking
Once you use professionals in your search for a competent nanny, you are assured that they will thoroughly screen suited candidates. Professionally trained placement specialists personally interview every reference, and the family is provided with a copy of all references.
Every nanny that registers with these agencies is required to provide a complete and chronological background of their employment without any unexplained gaps.
- Experience in the nanny business
Nannies registered under these agencies are well experienced, which is a plus to the family. The agencies ensure the family is always in contact with professional counselors sensitive to your family needs. Placement specialists are tasked with selecting and presenting candidates that meet a family’s specific criteria.
- Detailed guidance throughout the recruitment process
Most agencies offer clients personalized guidance in all phases of placement. Staff members will communicate with the nanny and the family constantly to aid with the interview and trial. They schedule and provide both parties with timely feedback once meetings have happened. The agencies can help you in identifying the appropriate salaries.
- Unique terms of employment
The terms of employment are created to outline specific aspects of the nanny’s position. Terms and conditions of employment are already in place, making it easier for families. The main reason for the terms and conditions is to ensure that the parameters and expectations of the position are well elaborated to both parties.
- Support to the family and nannies
The agencies comprise a team of professionals always on stand-by whenever a family or a nanny needs any form of assistance during the placement process. Both parties are allowed to contact the agency anytime they see the need to. The agency’s goal is to provide high-quality services to families in need of a nanny.
- Background check
These agencies are well equipped to conduct state-wide and county-specific background checks once a nanny is offered an employment opportunity. They, too, look at the driving checks just in case the position of the nanny will require driving.
Before hiring a nanny, you must consult with these agencies. They have been in the business for decades hence will provide you with services you are unlikely to get from other places. Ensure that the agencies are certified by the relevant bodies before working with them.