Having your first child is both exciting and scary. For the pregnant woman, there is a lot of change to contend with. Many partners worry about how they can support their pregnant other half during this time. Some people want to do as much as they can to make this time easier and it may be that they will also make similar changes to their lifestyle to be as supportive as possible. Others will go the extra mile and do everything possible to ensure she is well rested and ready for the big event. Below are a few ideas as to how you can take care of your pregnant partner before the baby arrives.
Give Up Alcohol
Most women will stop drinking alcohol when they find out they are pregnant. If you were used to going out for a meal and some drinks every weekend, or regularly had a glass of wine with dinner, it will be easier for her to quit if you quit at the same time. At the very least, you could avoid alcohol when you are with her and only drink when you are out with friends or at a work event.
Stop Smoking
Giving up smoking will be good for you and your partner. If she is trying to stop smoking because she is pregnant, you should definitely do this with her. Even if your partner doesn’t smoke but you do, you should consider quitting. Your health will improve if you cut down or stop smoking altogether. And remember, second-hand smoke is harmful, not only to your partner but also to your unborn child.
Eat Healthier Food
Pregnancy is a time when women should try to eat a healthier diet. Choosing more fruits and vegetables and avoiding junk food is better for your partner and the baby. Choose organic products that are free from pesticides. And make sure you wash all fruit and vegetables thoroughly before they are eaten.
Go to Prenatal Appointments
Your partner will appreciate the support if you attend all the prenatal appointments with her. The prenatal appointments are important and will give you a chance to learn more about what is happening with your baby. It will also give you a better idea of what to expect during labor and how you can offer more support when the time comes to meet your new baby.
Take Over More of the Chores
In the last trimester especially, your partner is likely to get tired more quickly. She might find it hard to do some of the chores she normally does. Doing more than your share will ease the burden for her at this time and will give her a much-needed rest.
Give Her a Massage
Carrying the extra weight can put pressure on your partner’s back and feet. As her pregnancy progresses, she might find that her feet get hot and swollen when she walks about, and her lower back may ache. A nice back massage and a foot rub at the end of the day is a terrific way to show her how much you care. The experts at ShoeFresh say you should remind her to avoid wearing the same pair of shoes every day to allow each to dry out, and to give them a spray with a shoe deodorizer spray to keep them feeling and smelling fresh.
There are many ways to support a partner during pregnancy. Consider making many of the same lifestyle changes that she is making and be there when she needs you. Remember, you are in this together.